
Women of Inspiration Summit Experience (Columbus Young Professionals)
10-10:45am: Empowerment through Continuing Education: a “fireside chat” featuring career development & college admissions leaders from around Ohio.
This session will highlight how going back to graduate school is one option to empower yourself and your career trajectory, as well as provide clarity and empowerment for those interested but hesitant to pursue graduate school (especially due to imposter syndrome and limiting beliefs). We will also discuss the value of an MBA from an HR/hiring manager’s perspective.
Our guest moderator is Dr. Jena Pugh, Graduate School Strategist. Our panel of thought leaders includes: Hollie Hinton, Senior Director of Admissions at The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business; Kari Lehman, Vice Provost for OHIO Online; Stephanie Nunley, Director of Admissions, Full-Time MBA at Case Western University’s Weatherhead School of Management.
Women of Inspiration Summit Experience event page.

When to Go Back to Graduate School - LIVE Workshop
What to expect:
An honest look into reasons why working professionals pursue graduate school to reach their career goals
How to know when it’s time for *you* to apply... or if you should explore other options first
Open Q&A (the best part! After reading 3,000+ applications over 10 years plus completing a doctorate while working full-time, I have a tip or two)
Whether you need logical steps or a dose of encouragement to make one of the biggest decisions of your life, I’ve got you covered.

AmeriCorps Intergenerational Networking Event
Celebrate AmeriCorps' 30th anniversary and learn from a virtual panel of alumni spanning 3 decades.
Next, join a breakout room to connect, network and share stories with fellow alums.
I'll be facilitating "Workforce Development Room 1 - Pursuing College or Graduate School" if you're interested in leveraging higher education - and your education award - to level up your career! 🎓

AmeriCorps Connections Podcast: End of the Year Reunion
Watch on YouTube or listen on your favorite podcast player.
On this calendar closing moment of the AmeriCorps Connections Podcast we reconnect with the Inaugural group of trailblazing AmeriCorps Alumni who were brave enough to jump in and share their service story!
We are 1.3 Million AmeriCorps Alumni STRONG! We are a voice for national and community service. We have all served in one way or another - let's engage, learn and connect with each other.

The Graduate School Application Bootcamp with Dr. Jena Pugh
What to expect starting October 30
3 Monday emails with action steps and templates
3 Thursday live Question & Answer calls with a small group of amazing applicants (you’re not alone in this process!)
Personal statement support before submission
A boost of confidence and a cheerleader in your corner
Week 1: October 30 (Email), November 2 (Q&A Call)
Letters of Recommendation + How to Choose a Scroll-Stopping Personal Statement Story
Week 2: November 6 (Email), November 9 (Q&A Call)
How to Connect with Admissions and Faculty + Imposter Syndrome
Week 3: November 13 (Email), November 16 (Q&A Call)
Addressing Weak Points on Application + Personal Statement Final Drafts

Desk to Degree Series: How to Apply to Graduate School (Part 2)
The Desk to Degree Series is hosted by Nicki Fiocco and the AmeriCorps Connections Podcast.
Topics we’ll cover:
Choosing Graduate Programs
Creating an Application Game Plan
Connecting with Admissions and Recommenders
Personal Statements & Transcripts
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome While Applying

Desk to Degree Series: Deciding When and How to Go to Graduate School (Part 1)
The Desk to Degree Series is hosted by Nicki Fiocco and the AmeriCorps Connections Podcast.
Topics we’ll cover:
What Graduate School Is
Why Go to Graduate School
How to Pay for It ($$$)
When is the Right Time to Go
How to Know If It’s Right for You
How to Search for Graduate Programs

AmeriCorps Connections Podcast with Dr. Jena Pugh
Watch the interview on YouTube or listen on your favorite podcast player.
Dr. Jena, a first-generation college student, shares her experience with City Year in Columbus, Ohio which started her career trajectory into education. She then served with Ohio Campus Compact as an AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteer in Service to America) at the start of a three-year program aimed at improving college access efforts for adults and increasing college and financial literacy for elementary and middle school students. The program was a collaboration of three VISTAs serving at a local technical college, a public university, and a private college. She went to graduate school and started a career in higher education after her two years of service.
After working at The Ohio State University for 12 years where she read thousands of applications, Dr. Jena now helps working professionals on their journey to graduate school.
AmeriCorps alumni considering graduate school or preparing their applications can follow and connect with Dr. Jena for advice on the process.