1:1 Strategy Sessions + Statement Reviews

If you’re short on time or need individualized support for your graduate school applications, I’m here to help!

1:1 services include strategy sessions whether you’re considering graduate school or are ready to start applying.

With a personal statement review, we can determine your best personal statement stories and I will review your draft statements and essays from the perspective of the admissions committee.

(People I’ve helped with personal statements have had a 100% acceptance rate to one of their top choice programs!)

Strategy Sessions

with Dr. Jena 🎓

1:1 Graduate School Strategy Session

Feeling overwhelmed about the prospect of going back to graduate school?

Graduate School Strategy Sessions provide 1:1 guidance for the working professional who is considering whether to pursue graduate school soon… or if it’s better to wait and explore other options.

I’ll help you consider whether an advanced degree is the best way to reach your career goals, and learn the basics of how to approach the application process when you're ready.

Each session is highly individualized based on your experiences and career goals.

1:1 Application Strategy Session

You’ve decided that it’s time to apply to graduate school - awesome!

But where do you even start with the application process?

The Application Strategy Session is for the working professional who wants expert guidance on choosing programs, figuring out an application schedule that won’t lead to burn out, and choosing a scroll-stopping story for your personal statements.

Each session is highly individualized based on your needs in the application process.

Personal Statement Review + Editing

with Dr. Jena

The finishing touch on an admissions-worthy application.

And the most productive fun we can have working together. 🥳

Through Personal Statement Reviews, I help working professionals like you take inventory of your life’s experiences + create a personal statement that POPS for reviewers who’ve read everything.

We can start wherever you are in the personal statement writing process:

  • If you’ve started brainstorming

  • If you have an outline

  • If you have a draft

  • If you’re ready to submit your application and would like a set of dedicated, expert eyes to make sure your statement is ready to go

Go from imposter syndrome + the terror of a blank page…

… to knowing exactly what to write in a way that captures your personality and career goals.

🎓 🎓 🎓

The Personal Statement Review Process:

  • Step 1: Complete Form

    Click the button below to complete a short interest form that covers:

    Who you are, the type of graduate programs you’re applying to, what stage you are in the writing process, and the primary questions you have about your statement or other admissions essay.

  • Step 2: Schedule Call

    After submitting the interest form, you’ll receive a link to schedule a free 30-min consultation via Zoom.

  • Step 3: Consultation Call

    We’ll go over your form, get to know each other, and discuss personal statement review package options that fit your needs.

    p.s. no hard sells here, take all the time you need to make the best decision for you!

  • Step 4: Review Contract + Payment

    When you’ve chosen a Personal Statement Review package, I’ll email an invoice and contract for your review.

    Payment is accepted via PayPal or Stripe.

    Packages start at $350 USD.

    (I typically spend 3-5 hours on each review. Expect to receive extensive comments and honest insight from the POV of someone who read applications for 10+ years).

  • Step 5: Review Period

    You send a copy of your personal statement or other admissions essay for review.

    Each review period includes: scheduled calls, my reviews including detailed notes and recommendations for edits via Google Docs. Then, you will have a few days where you can ask questions about any comments and recommendations on the Google Doc. I will reply to those before the period ends.

    Review periods are typically 10 days. If you need a review sooner, you may request one for an additional fee. (No judgment for procrastinators here!)

Up next:

Complete your Personal Statement Review Interest Form

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