TEM #001: Now’s the perfect time, or is it?

Title: The Education Mindset. Subtitle: Now's the perfect time, or is it? Image: Dr. Jena wearing a gray blazer and sparkling vintage necklace while smiling.

June 16, 2023

Hi! Happy Friday - you made it!

Thanks for being here.

Today’s highlights:

  • When to go back to graduate school

  • Action items for the next week

  • Pineapple growth 🍍

On the Blog.

A question I’m hearing frequently from working professionals is when to go back to school.

Sound familiar? This will help immensely.

Is Now the Right Time for Graduate School? Do These 3 Things to Decide

This week’s Action Items.

Choose your own adventure 🚁

  1. Thinking about school in the future?

    • Start a document (word or excel) and save it as “Future Education Opportunities”

    • That’s it, just create a document (you’ll add text soon enough). How does it make you feel? Excited? Anxious? Terrified? All emotions are normal and valid here! Every goal in history started as an idea, you’ve got this.

  2. Actively applying later this year?

    • Write down the names of 3 or more people who would be happy to write you a GOOD letter of recommendation.

    • Feeling iffy about 1-2 of those? Bonus action item: Reach out to them and schedule a time to discuss your graduate school plans… to prepare them for when you ask for a good letter of recommendation.

  3. Currently back in school?

    • Take a break and treat yourself to a 45-min walk outside while you’re balancing summer classes with the best weather of the year.

Pineapple plant growing from the ground.

Fun fact.

Did you know this is what a pineapple plant looks like?

I recently learned you can grow one at home in any climate for decor.

A way more fun indoor study companion than that old snake plant.

Have a question about going back to school? Is there a topic you would like to see featured? Have a fun story to share?

Reply to this email and let me know, I’d love to connect 📩

Make it a great weekend!

Dr. Jena

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Dr. Jena Pugh

I teach working professionals how to apply for graduate school and other advanced degrees so that they can achieve their education and career goals.


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