TEM #005: Strike that, reverse it.


July 14, 2023

Hi there!

Hope you’ve had a solid week and the best is yet to come.

This week’s highlights:

  • Your education affirmation

  • 5 strategies for applying to graduate school after working full time

  • Action steps for the next week

  • Reframing stress to be… positive?

Education affirmation.

Believe you can and you’re halfway there. – Theodore Roosevelt

On the Blog.

So you’ve been working and decided it’s time to go for that next degree. Great!

Now the reality of actually starting an application sets in. How will you do it? All it takes is the right mindset and strategy.

Start from Zero: How to Apply to Graduate School After Working Full Time 🏁

Application Action Steps.

Choose your own adventure 🚁

  1. Thinking about school in the future?

    • Does graduate school feel like an unrealistic goal?

    • Try this: Write a list of 10 major times you started from zero and succeeded.

    • Learning to read or ride a bike totally count 🚲

    • Why do this? Your list is a reminder and vote of confidence that you'll succeed at something brand new again

  2. Actively applying later this year?

    • Are you worried about how you’ll transition back to student mode after working full time?

    • Try this: Flip the script on those doomsday questions.

    • Instead of: "What if I can't remember how to be a student?"

    • Trying asking: "What if after all of this life experience, I'll be the best student I've ever been?" (this feels 10x better!)

Fun fact.

Did you know that you’re more likely to die sooner if you believe that stress is bad for you?

Yes, it’s scientifically proven.

Check out Kelly McGonigal’s TED talk on How to Make Stress Your Friend. (it’s an oldie and goodie!)

** Want advice on your graduate school plans? **

If you’re a working professional going back to school and would like a little guidance, I’m hosting (free) 1:1 calls in July to learn more about your process, answer questions and offer insight.

Reply to this email and we’ll find a time to chat 📩

Dr. Jena

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Dr. Jena Pugh

I teach working professionals how to apply for graduate school and other advanced degrees so that they can achieve their education and career goals.


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