TEM #022: The gift that keeps on giving.

December 22, 2023

Happy Holi-Fri-day!

Whether you’re in celebration mode or simply taking time off to rest and recharge, below is some light reading for those considering applying in 2024 -or- finishing up personal statements for January due dates.

This week’s highlights:

  • Your education affirmation

  • Is now the right time for graduate school?

  • Your personal statement is not about you

  • The Maillard Reaction 🍗

  • The gift that keeps on giving

Education affirmation.

Success is not final, and failure is not fatal. It’s the courage to persevere that counts.

If you’re considering applying next year.

Check out: Is Now the Right Time for Graduate School?

Go through a list of three actions to help you decide if 2024’s the time to go all-in on an application.

If you’re finishing up personal statements.

Check out: Your Personal Statement for Graduate School is Not About You

This article went semi-viral - it’s a peek behind the curtain of your application reviewers’ mindset when making admissions decisions.

Fun fact.

What makes the crusty browned parts of roasted food so amazing?

The Maillard Reaction.

(I’m not even going to attempt paraphrasing what this is):

“The reactive carbonyl group of the sugar interacts with the nucleophilic amino group of the amino acid, and interesting but poorly characterized odor and flavor molecules result.”

If your personal statement needs a flavor boost, this article on infusing your strengths will help!

Quick Question.

Have time for a 90-second gift?

Reply to this email and let me know what you enjoy most about this weekly email (yes, that easy!).

I’ll give you more of what you love in 2024. 🎁

Wishing you safe travels, lots of sleep and a magical holiday season!

Dr. Jena

P.S. If you’re looking for the most underrated Hallmark-esque Christmas movie, watch A Golden Christmas 2 (also known as 3 Holiday Tails). It has a beach, humor, predictable romance and golden retriever puppies… plus a couple characters reflect on their law degrees.

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Dr. Jena Pugh

I teach working professionals how to apply for graduate school and other advanced degrees so that they can achieve their education and career goals.


TEM #023: Long days, short years.


TEM #021: A compass for 2024.