TEM #024: Study abroad… in graduate school?

Dr. Jena smiling next to title bar: The Education Mindset. Subtitle: #024 Travel more... in graduate school?"

January 5, 2024

Happy First Friday!

I kicked off the new year with a bonfire 🔥

As much as I love a night full of sequins and strobe lights, this annual tradition was a welcome by-product of the past few years. The quiet, the conversation, and turning remnants of the past year into ashes is a great way to start fresh at midnight.

On the opposite end of the spectrum: if you’ve set a New Year’s resolution to travel more, this week’s edition is for you!

This week’s highlights:

  • Your education affirmation

  • Study abroad in graduate school

  • Celebrating in Samoa ⭐

  • January contest: Win a 1:1 Strategy Session!

Education affirmation.

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today” - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Study abroad in graduate school 🌍

As you prepare to go back to graduate school, you may think it will involve staying in one place so you can focus on your studies until graduation.

Did you know that some universities send graduate students abroad?

It’s true!

Depending on the types of universities you’re considering, you might be pleasantly surprised to find education abroad opportunities in your research.

Truth be told, graduate programs often use global experiences as a selling point during the recruitment process. Some may offer generous funding to offset student costs, too.

Types of international opportunities available:

  • Shorter, focused experiences (think 1-2 weeks over spring, summer and winter breaks led by faculty)

  • Short-term projects related to your field (ex. global consulting for business; service trip for medical students)

  • Summer internships

  • Full semesters

If you’ve dreamed of living abroad one day, you might even consider an international graduate program. These can also be less expensive and sometimes shorter than US graduate programs. (Example: Oxford’s MBA is one year).

Here’s what to look for in your research:

  • Departments with the world “Global” or “International” in the title (examples: Office of International Affairs, Office of Global Business) - these could be at the university-level or situated within colleges, like a college of business or college of education

  • “Education abroad” - the term “study abroad” is becoming outdated, although some schools may still use it

As a master’s student, I was devastated when our program’s abroad experience to Wuhan, China was cancelled. Fortunately, I was able to co-lead a student trip to Beijing, Hong Kong and Shanghai years later as a college staff member.

Moral of the story?

Go global in graduate school (if you can)!

A small blue boat floating near the ocean shore in front of a tree in the water.

Fun fact.

Speaking of graduate-level strategic travel…

With American Samoa being the last inhabited island to ring in the New Year, some tourists celebrate twice by flying from Samoa to American Samoa for their split time zones.


January contest.

Are you on the cusp of starting the graduate school application process in 2024?

Do you wish you had someone to help navigate your specific process instead of going down the Google rabbit hole trying to figure out what information even applies to you, your career and the degree you’re considering?

You’re in luck. (I live for these types of conversations!).

Enter to win a 1:1 Strategy Session in January 2024.

The winner will get:

  • One 45-min strategy session 💻

  • We’ll discuss:

    • Your current role and intended career trajectory

    • Your priorities in choosing a graduate program

    • The research you’ve done on graduate school options

    • Your questions or concerns with applying (anything from technicalities like a low college GPA to looming imposter syndrome, I’ve been there)

  • You’ll leave our session with:

    • Clarity on the best type of program for your specific career goals

    • Action steps for what to do next in your application process (this could include people to contact, programs or funding resources to check out, and creating a reasonable application strategy for your busy life schedule)

    • A big dose of confidence and excitement that you can successfully apply this year and take the next giant step toward achieving your career goals

I hope you’ve had a strong start with any new habits you’re adopting in 2024. I believe in you!

Dr. Jena

P.S. If you’re not applying this year and know someone who is - forward this email and encourage them to join The Education Mindset. They’re welcome to enter to win a Strategy Session, too!

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Dr. Jena Pugh

I teach working professionals how to apply for graduate school and other advanced degrees so that they can achieve their education and career goals.


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