TEM #028: It’s not how, but when (to go back to graduate school).

February 2, 2024

Happy (Groundhog Day) Friday!

Regardless of winter predictions, it’s been a celebratory 48 hours:

** One of the amazing applicants I worked with on their personal statement got accepted to a prestigious PhD program!! **

(I fist-pumped around my kitchen island for a solid 30 seconds after getting the news).

February and March will bring more good news for applicants, stay tuned if you’re looking for inspiration to apply in the future.

Before learning how to get accepted, though, today I’ll help you decide when to go back to graduate school.

This week’s highlights:

  • Your education affirmation

  • How to decide when to go back to graduate school

  • The groundhog mid-point 🐻

  • Coming soon: 1:1 Strategy Sessions

Education affirmation.

“Only make decisions that support your self-image, self-esteem, and self-worth.” - Oprah Winfrey

How to decide when to go back to graduate school.

In January we covered determining personal priorities and considering graduate program types before starting the research process.

February’s the perfect time to think about when to go back to school, so you can plan your year accordingly.

Here’s why it makes a difference:

  • If you decide to apply in 2024, now’s the time to create an application strategy for the year

  • If you decide to apply in 2025, you can research programs now and spend this year gaining experiences that will make you a stronger applicant for your schools

(If this is overwhelming, I’m opening up 1:1 graduate school strategy sessions soon to help you figure out what’s best for your life and career!)


So how do you know when is the best time for you to go back to school?

Note: this is deeply personal and only you can decide when you’re ready for the challenges (and rewards!) that graduate school brings.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • Am I ready to level up in my career or have a plan to in the next 3-5 years? (if yes, apply this year)

  • Am I just looking for a change in how I’m spending my time? (wait to apply, maybe try a new job first to confirm your interest in what you plan to study)

  • Can I handle the financial implications of going back to school soon? (if yes, apply this year - you can always defer your acceptance if circumstances change)

  • Do I have the emotional bandwidth to balance school work with my other life priorities like family, a job and relationships? (if not, wait to apply)

  • Do my short-term career goals require a new network of people I don’t currently have access to? (if yes, apply this year)

  • Is there demand for people with the degree I’m considering in the next 3-5 years? (if no, maybe there are other credentials that are more beneficial than a graduate degree for your industry - unless you can afford the time and tuition, don’t go back to school just for the sake of going)

This is a brief list of initial questions to consider whether it’s time to commit to applying to graduate school in 2024.

(^^ I can help you work through these in a 1:1 Graduate School Strategy Session if you need to talk it out with someone who’s been both an applicant and an application reviewer).

Something important to consider: going back to graduate school is a long-game decision.

For traditional programs, applying in fall 2024 means you’ll likely start a program in fall 2025.

Keep in mind, there are so many career and life factors that can change in a year that could influence whether you decide to enroll even once you get accepted.

Ultimately, trust your gut feelings on whether this is the year to apply or continue exploring your options.

Whatever stage you find yourself in, I’m happy to help!

Fun fact.

February 2 is a strategic date for Groundhog Day.

It’s actually the midpoint between the winter solstice (December 21) and the spring equinox (April 21).

As you strategize when to go back to graduate school, consider it as a similar mid-point between having enough work experience to know what you want to do long-term and using a degree to level up in the next phase of your career.

Coming soon.

I’m putting the final touches on webpages for 1:1 Graduate School Strategy Sessions and a few other fun developments - you’ll be the first to know when they roll out!


Just know that in life, we make the best decisions with the information we have at the time.

There’s no right or wrong time to go back to school, it all depends on what feels best for you. Let this be your permission slip to release any pressure you’re putting on yourself with this big decision.

I’ve lived enough life to know that everything works out the way it’s supposed to - it will for you, too 😉

Dr. Jena

P.S. I hope Punxsutawney Phil delivered the news you were hoping for today! ❄️ 🌷

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Dr. Jena Pugh

I teach working professionals how to apply for graduate school and other advanced degrees so that they can achieve their education and career goals.


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