TEM #032: The Graduate School Shop is OPEN.

March 1, 2024

Today’s the day, I’m so excited you’re here for it!

The Graduate School Shop is officially open (cue a Ferris Bueller-level celebration) 🎉

Marching band in parade representing the celebration of the opening of The Graduate School Shop by Dr. Jena Pugh.

Honestly, creating this shop has paralleled the graduate school application process: lots of research, multiple drafts, overcoming imposter syndrome and perfectionism - plus a big dose of pride to try something new and outside of my comfort zone.

At some point, you have to hit submit, send it into the world and know that you did the best you could with what you had. (And can make changes in the future).

You’ll do the same when the time comes and I’m rooting for you every step of the way!

This week’s highlights:

Education affirmation.

“It always feels too soon to leap. But you have to. Because that's the moment between you and remarkable.” – Seth Godin

The Graduate School Shop is OPEN.

So what is The Graduate School Shop?

Basically, it’s a hub of tools and support to help you through deciding when to go back to school and making the application process easier when you’re ready.

Here’s a brief overview of what’s inside on opening day:

Graduate School Application Tools


  • 1:1 Graduate School Strategy Session (when you’re deciding whether/when to go back to school)

  • Coming Next Week: 1:1 Application Strategy Session (when you’re ready to apply and need guidance on the process and writing personal statements)

As more feedback comes in, the shop will expand to include tools and resources that working professionals need to confidently pursue graduate school to reach their career goals.

I’m so pumped to share these with you and make your life a little easier in this process.

Fun fact.

Leap years are basically a time corrector.

The average year is actually 365 days, five hours, 48 minutes and 45 seconds.

To prevent losing 6 hours annually, we make up for it with a bonus day every 4 years.

(If only it was an international day off, too!)

Save the date: NEW workshop in March.

Coming soon: When to Go Back to Graduate School

Date: Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 7:30pm EST

What to expect:

  • An honest look into reasons why working professionals consider grad school to reach their career goals

  • How to know when it’s time for *you* to apply... or if you should explore other options first

  • Open Q&A (the best part!)

Whatever it is you’re taking the leap on in March, you’ve got this.

Have the best weekend!

Dr. Jena

P.S. Reply to this email and let me know what you think about The Graduate School Shop. Is there a resource you’d like to see in the future? As someone who routinely enjoys The Education Mindset, your thoughts mean the most! ♥️

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Dr. Jena Pugh

I teach working professionals how to apply for graduate school and other advanced degrees so that they can achieve their education and career goals.


TEM #033: How to research different degree types for your career goals.


TEM #031: 5 places to find graduate programs.