TEM #037: How I use ChatGPT to research graduate programs.

Dr. Jena smiling in gray blazer with vintage crystal necklace. Title reads: The Education Mindset. Subtitle reads: #037 How I use ChatGPT to research graduate programs. Footer: www.drjenapugh.com

April 5, 2024

It’s Fri-YAY! You made it.

So, full disclosure: I’m not the early-adopter type when in comes to tech.

(I have zero plans to upgrade my iPhone SE until Apple commits to making small phones for small hands + pockets) 📞

That said, I’ve fully embraced AI as a game changer for working professionals with minimal time for Google rabbit holes while researching graduate programs.

If you’re in graduate school exploration mode, read on… this one’s for you!

This week’s highlights:

  • Your education affirmation

  • How I use ChatGPT to research graduate programs

  • Wear red and green for Monday’s eclipse 🕶

  • Bonus PS to help your productivity skyrocket!

Education affirmation.

“You may be the only person left who believes in you, but it’s enough. It takes just one star to pierce a universe of darkness. Never give up.” — Richelle E. Goodrich

How I use ChatGPT to research graduate programs.

If you’re starting to consider graduate school, it’s hard to know where to start researching your options.

In 2024, you’re in luck - it’s the easiest time to research ever.

Whether you’ve been hesitant to use AI (artificial intelligence) or are a complete AI convert, this brief how-to will save you hours of falling into Google rabbit holes.

How to generate a list of graduate programs with ChatGPT:

In an earlier edition of The Education Mindset, I covered how you can reach the same career goals through similar graduate programs that have completely different names.

While it’s great to know you have options, you might be at a loss when guessing what the full breadth of those program names could be.

Have no fear, ChatGPT is here.

(Plus, the free version is perfect for this type of query).

Step 1

Create a ChatGPT account, or use whichever other AI program you’d like.

Step 2

Give a warm hello and use the following prompt(s) with your specific information.

(Note: I’m a firm believer that being super nice to ChatGPT brings better responses, remember to use those manners)

  • Prompt 1: When you have no clue what type(s) of programs to consider

    • “Hello! I’m considering going back to graduate school to pursue a career in [field or industry name]. In college, I majored in [major name] and have professional experience in [field or industry - feel free to add extra details here, too]. What types of graduate degrees would someone with my experience enjoy pursuing to reach my career goal of [career goal or industry] and why would those be great options for me?”

    • Based on the results, ask for more examples of the degrees it generates

  • Prompt 2: When you know one program name as a starting point

    • “Hello! I’m considering going back to graduate school to pursue a career in [field or industry name]. One of the programs I’m looking at is called [degree type, program name]. Can you share name variations of this type of program that also lead into the career I’m considering?”

    • Ex. [field or industry name] = data science; [degree type, program name] = MS in data analytics

Step 3

Get more specific.

If you’re looking for programs in a certain geographic area, or that have a special focus that’s of interest to you, keep asking ChatGPT more questions to narrow in on program names and even specific universities to check out.

Maybe you’re looking for a program with an emphasis on experiential learning, that’s in your home state, or can be completed online. Looking for a program known for the diversity of its cohort, or with high job placements following graduation?

Just ask.

(Programs who share your values will promote these types of statistics on their websites for AI to find)

Step 4

Go directly to those program websites to maximize your research time by skipping Google altogether.

Whatever aligns with your priorities for graduate school, ask AI to do the heavy lifting and scour the web for programs that meet your needs.

Save your time and energy for the application process 😉

You’ve got this, good luck!

p.s. if you prefer the more manual research approach, check out these 5 places to find graduate programs


And if you need expert support to talk through your options (even if you have no idea what they are yet)? I’ve got you covered:

Fun fact.

If you’ll be in the path of totality for the solar eclipse on Monday (April 8), dress for the occasion in red and green.

Why? The Purkinje effect.

Since darkness happens quickly, the rods and cones controlling our eyesight have little time to adjust.

What will happen: reds will be darker and greens will be brighter.

I’ll be in my NSYNC Christmas sweatshirt for the occasion 🎄

Enjoy your eclipse next week - I’ll be in a welding helmet marveling at the sights and sounds of nearby wildlife in total confusion.

Make it a fun weekend!

Dr. Jena

Bonus P.S. The most surprising way ChatGPT has helped me?

Organizing and prioritizing my to-do list.

I drop in everything I need to do, ask it to sort everything by top priority (and ask it to share why it prioritized each point that way), and also ask for the estimated time it will take to complete each task. It’s been amazing to help me be realistic on project timelines.

I can only imagine how many 3am nights I could’ve avoided in grad school with it…

** Whenever you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help **

If you’re thinking about graduate school 🤔

If you’re ready to apply this year 😃

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Dr. Jena Pugh

I teach working professionals how to apply for graduate school and other advanced degrees so that they can achieve their education and career goals.


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