TEM #042: 5 Ways Grad School is a Life Game-Changer

Dr. Jena smiling next to title text: The Education Mindset. Sub title reads: #042 5 ways graduate school is a life game changer. Bottom text reads: www.drjenapugh.com

May 17, 2024

Happy Friday!

Today's a fun one for me: as an exec member of my alumni council, I get to announce one of our alumni award winners at a special ceremony.

(They won an award at Sundance, too, nbd 🎬)

Beyond the thrill of being back on campus with old and new friends, I genuinely love celebrating people who set big goals and have the courage to go for them.

As you consider grad school for your own path, today we're covering 5 ways graduate school can be a game-changer for your life beyond reaching career goals.

This week’s highlights:

  • Your education affirmation

  • 5 ways graduate school is a life game-changer

  • Chameleons as mood rings 🦎

Education affirmation.

"There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind." - C.S. Lewis

5 ways graduate school is a life game-changer.

Graduate school changes everything. Your schedule, your priorities, even your sense of self.

After a few years of reflection post-graduation, here are the 5 ways graduate school changed my life:

  1. Quadrupled Confidence

  2. Instant Personal and Professional Connections

  3. Writing for Any Audience

  4. Created - Then Shattered - Career Goals

  5. Knowing How to Compartmentalize and Structure Time 10x Better

What are the unexpected ways grad school will change your life?


Fun fact.

Did you know what one reason chameleons change color is their mood?

It's less simplistic than red = mad like the mood rings of the 90s (are these coming back, too?).

It's more related to their preparation to fight or to submit, depending on the type of incoming threat.

As an eventual graduate, be prepared for unexpected adaptations that make your life even easier.

Thanks for being here - make it a great weekend!

Dr. Jena

P.S. Know someone on the fence about applying to graduate school in the next year or two?

Nudge them to take The When to Go Back to Graduate School Quiz to help with the decision 😉

** Whenever you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help **

If you’re thinking about graduate school 🤔

If you’re ready to apply this year 😃

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Dr. Jena Pugh

I teach working professionals how to apply for graduate school and other advanced degrees so that they can achieve their education and career goals.


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