TEM #044: How to prepare for life changes in graduate school.

Dr. Jena smiling next to header: The Education Mindset followed by the post title: #044 How to prepare for life changes in graduate school and www.drjenapugh.com at the bottom.

May 31, 2024

Happy Friday!

It's been an interesting week - my best friend of 25 years moved to another state yesterday.

We both settled in Columbus after finishing our respective graduate degrees at Ohio State. This year, an incredible career opportunity popped up 1,150+ miles away.

Life happens and you adjust as needed.

As I meet with prospective graduate students (one of my favorite things), a topic that's often discussed is how to manage the major changes of balancing work, a family and social life... plus school.

Today, we're going to dive into mentally preparing for these before you even apply.

This week’s highlights:

  • Your education affirmation

  • Shift happens: Preparing for life changes as a graduate student

  • When it's good to break the norm 🍎

Education affirmation.

“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” - Stephen Hawking

Shift happens: Preparing for life changes as a graduate student.

"Omg, am I really doing this?"

This went through my best friend's mind repeatedly when she decided to go back to graduate school.

With a full social life of family and friends plus a full-time job, she knew things would have to change to incorporate classes and projects... at least for a couple years.

From fewer evenings out to less frequent trips home until graduation, she stepped into the big shift knowing that graduate school was the best route to reach her goals as a leader in her field.

(And she did, with a title and salary to match).

If the fear of change is holding you back from going to graduate school, here are 3 ways to address it:

  • Understand how the anticipation of change can affect you

  • Make a plan for personal priorities and relationships

  • Prepare your mind for life's changes as a grad student

Read on for action steps, personal stories and practical tips on how to prepare for these changes.


Fun fact.

If you're feeling especially resistant to going back to graduate school but can't explain why - look around you.

Are there a lot of people in your life or at work with graduate degrees (or who value them)?

​Scientifically speaking​, blazing this path is easier when higher education is the "norm" of your social circle.

It may take a little more mental and emotional gymnastics (it did for me as a first-generation college student) - but if your career goals require grad school, you can handle it.

Let me know what you think about today's email - would you like to see more mindset topics along with practical tips on the graduate school process?

Take a minute to pat yourself on the back (no one's looking, it's ok), and say a silent thank you for being willing to go outside of your comfort zone and consider grad school as a possibility.

It's not easy and regardless of where you are in the process, you're doing better than you realize, I promise.

Thanks for being here!

Dr. Jena

** Whenever you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help **

If you’re thinking about graduate school 🤔

If you’re ready to apply this year 😃

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Dr. Jena Pugh

I teach working professionals how to apply for graduate school and other advanced degrees so that they can achieve their education and career goals.


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