TEM #019: It’s a whole vibe.

November 17, 2023

The best part of this Friday?

Knowing it’s a holiday week next week!

You’ve earned this, savor every moment (and bite of pie, the best dessert).

This week’s highlights:

  • Your education affirmation

  • The importance of a vibe check 😎

  • Covering the earth in gold

  • The Application Shop is almost ready!

Education affirmation.

Anything is possible.

The Graduate School Application Bootcamp

Q&A Highlight

It’s vital to do a "vibe check" with the schools where you're applying.

One bootcamp member reached out to different programs and had a less-than-amazing interaction with one staff member.

We talked through the importance of using these interactions to find the best fit when going back to graduate school.

It could be that the staff member was having an off day, or it could be indicative of the vibe of the whole program.

Graduate school can be a stressful experience simply because of the amount of work (let alone balancing life outside of class); make sure that you will feel included and supported by the program's faculty and staff while in school.

It will make student life 10x easier.

Fun fact.

There is enough gold in the earth’s core to cover its surface. (It’s easier to get a bar from Costco).

Will your graduate diploma will be worth its weight in gold?

Typical office paper weighs 5g - which is worth $317.71 in 24K gold… if you expect a $300+ salary bump post-graduation, the answer is yes 😄

The Application Shop is allllmost ready.

Thank you to everyone who’s reviewed the first offerings and given stellar feedback.

I’m so excited to share these with the world!

Have the best weekend and a Happy Thanksgiving! 🥧

Dr. Jena

P.S. Are you part of a young professionals group in your city or at work? I’m open for graduate school application workshops in 2024. Whether it’s a stand-alone event or session during a retreat, I love to connect with new groups virtually and am happy to travel anywhere in Ohio (even Toledo!).

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Dr. Jena Pugh

I teach working professionals how to apply for graduate school and other advanced degrees so that they can achieve their education and career goals.


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