
Is Graduate School Right for You? A Comprehensive Guide to Help You Decide
Application Process, Work and School Dr. Jena Pugh Application Process, Work and School Dr. Jena Pugh

Is Graduate School Right for You? A Comprehensive Guide to Help You Decide

Going back to graduate school is a big step and exciting commitment when you - and your career - are ready. After working at a university for several years and identifying leaders I aspired to be like one day, I realized that a doctorate was a necessity to reach my career goals. These are the steps I took to ensure that going back to graduate school was the best opportunity for both me and my career before making the decision to apply.

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Fast Track the Graduate School Experience: A Guide to Credit Transfer
Application Process, Tips and Tricks Dr. Jena Pugh Application Process, Tips and Tricks Dr. Jena Pugh

Fast Track the Graduate School Experience: A Guide to Credit Transfer

Did you know there’s a chance that some of your college credits might transfer and count toward your intended graduate degree? (Example: Your undergraduate business classes might count toward your intended MBA at certain universities.) Credit transfer eligibility ultimately saves time and tuition dollars, which are major factors in graduating sooner and with less debt. As someone who graduated a YEAR early due to graduate credit transfer, it’s my moral duty to help others ask the same questions that saved me time and money.

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How to Ask Faculty for a Letter of Recommendation
Application Process, Tips and Tricks Dr. Jena Pugh Application Process, Tips and Tricks Dr. Jena Pugh

How to Ask Faculty for a Letter of Recommendation

Asking for a letter of recommendation can be one of the most nerve-wracking aspects of the graduate school application process. Getting a good letter of recommendation is as much about strategy as it is about your relationship with the faculty member. If you ask the right person, at the right time, and give them the right information, chances are you will end up with a great letter for your application.

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Your Personal Statement for Graduate School Is Not About You
Application Process Dr. Jena Pugh Application Process Dr. Jena Pugh

Your Personal Statement for Graduate School Is Not About You

It's a wild concept for those applying to graduate school. Even though the details of your personal statement are about you, for the admissions committee, it's ultimately about how you will benefit the program. Reviewers want to know whether you will:

1. Add value in class and to your cohort.

2. Complete the degree with minimal bumps along the way.

3. Be a strong representative of the program as an alum in your career pursuits.

Basically, your personal statement is about them. Knowing this, you're in the best position to write a persuasive case for why you deserve a spot.

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The 5 Actual Costs of Applying to Graduate School
Application Process, Tips and Tricks Dr. Jena Pugh Application Process, Tips and Tricks Dr. Jena Pugh

The 5 Actual Costs of Applying to Graduate School

You may have started researching programs and are getting an idea of what the annual cost may be between tuition and student fees. You’re thinking ahead about a new budget, potential loans, and even tuition assistance through your employer. But before your first tuition statement, you need to apply… which isn’t usually free. This list goes over the highest costs you can expect from the graduate school application process.

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3 Productivity Hacks to Balance Work and Graduate School Applications

3 Productivity Hacks to Balance Work and Graduate School Applications

Applying to graduate school while working full time is a great primer for being back in school. On top of work and a social life, suddenly there is another pull for your time. These are the 3 productivity hacks that got me through the application process and then graduate school while working full time.

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Personal Statements: 3 Tools to Describe Yourself Better
Tips and Tricks, Application Process Dr. Jena Pugh Tips and Tricks, Application Process Dr. Jena Pugh

Personal Statements: 3 Tools to Describe Yourself Better

“Tell me about yourself.” That common interview question takes on new life when you write a personal statement for graduate school. After 10 years of reading 1000s of applications, I can share that the best essays and statements have one thing in common: strong self awareness. To boost how you express this self-awareness, outsource the language you use to describe yourself. These 3 tools will help.

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